Document your "Life in the Bubble"

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New Zealand’s nationwide lockdown - uniting against COVID-19 - may turn out to be one of the defining historic moments of the 21st century.

Have you thought about documenting your experience of this time?

Documentation can take any form: either physical or digital; ranging from poetry, art, journals, oral histories, video, photographs, objects, crafts and beyond. You might like to do this by yourself or within your bubble. Share it with us for assessment as a donation item to the Museum.

We’re looking to collect material from the months of Alert Levels following January 2020, when the nation started to rapidly prepare and respond to COVID-19 and respond to the impact of the shutdown on individuals, whānau and communities.

Donation criteria is strict, so if you would like more information about this as you go through the process, or if you would like to donate any physical material, please get in touch with us via

Digital material can be submitted immediately via the Libraries website:


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