Ngā Wheako Mātauranga
Educational Experiences
Whakakorikori i te mātauranga
Spark the knowledge
What we offer:
A responsive, localised curriculum linked to te ao Māori.
Permanent programmes (offered at any stage of the year).
Exhibition-based programmes (offered during current exhibitions).
Museum site experiences, kura (school) experiences, and field trip / site visits.
Collaboration with teachers to design sessions that meet the needs of the visiting groups.
Experiences that are aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum and are tailored to different needs and ages.
We will have a kōrero about your lesson objectives and learning outcomes with you during the booking process.
Request a booking
call 03 548 9588,
email education@museumnp.org.nz
We will only ever use your personal information to process your particular enquiry and will always respect your privacy. If you choose to sign up to our newsletter, your email address will be stored and used for this sole purpose only and not passed on to third parties. Please note that by submitting your information your agree to these terms.