Tasman Bays Heritage Trust - Governance
The Museum is governed by Tasman Bays Heritage Trust, a charitable trust registered with the Charities Services, Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai.
The Trust was established in 2000 to administer the Nelson Provincial Museum Pupuri Taonga o Te Tai Ao as a regional heritage facility, on behalf of Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council [Deed of Trust 2000].
The Trust is a council-controlled organisation with statutory obligations under the Local Government Act 2002. Council stakeholding is structured as a 50:50 alliance. The Trust is bound by foundation contracts [Memorandum of Understanding 2000, 2009] and has a partnership with Mana Whenua o Whakatū, Motueka and Mohua. [Memorandum of Understanding 2007, 2010, 2014].
Trust Members are appointed by the Joint Committee, with one member elected as iwi representative by Te Tai Ao Komiti.
The Komiti guides the Museum on matters of tikanga and taonga Māori and consists of representatives of the six mana whenua iwi of the marae in Whakatū, Motueka, and Mohua: Ngāti Tama ki te Waipounamu, Ngāti Koata, Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Ngāti Kuia
Trust Board Meeting dates for 2024
24th January 2024
27th March 2024
29th May 2024
24th July 2024
25th September 2024
23rd October 2024
Annual Meeting 6th November 2024 (4:00 - 6.30pm)
4th December 2024
All meetings run from 3.00 - 5.30 pm unless otherwise stated. If you would like to attend a meeting please contact the Trust’s Secretary.
Te Tai Ao Komiti dates for 2024
5th March 2024
4th June 2024
3rd September 2024
3rd December 2024
All meetings run from 5:30 - 7:00 pm unless otherwise stated. If you would like to attend a meeting please contact the Trust’s Secretary.
Board of Trustees
Venus Guy - Chair
Venus has been living in Nelson for over a decade and calls Te Tauihu her home. Venus brings governance, management, leadership, strategic and business planning skills to the table. Her experience spans key sectors of business, retail (FMCG), Health & Safety, compliance, legal and education. Her substantial commercial experience comes from FMCG where she has spent 12 years in a large retail business. Venus has also worked in the public sector leading the General Elections 2023 as an Electorate Manager of Nelson Electorate. She is currently serving as a President of Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce, and as a trustee to the New Zealand Kindergartens and Sport Tasman.
Venus is a Chartered Member of IOD and serves as a committee member on the Nelson Tasman branch of the Institute of Directors.
She commenced her role at TBHT in May 2024.
Emma Thompson - Deputy Chair
Emma brings to the Trust many years of not-for-profit governance experience in both charitable organisations and incorporated societies. She is also the Managing Director of a Public Relations (PR) and Marketing agency in Nelson. As a PR consultant Emma advises numerous boards on strategic direction, risk management and brand strategy.
Commenced TBHT November 2015 and elected as Deputy Chair in September 2016.
Kimiora McGregor
Of Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, and Te Ātiawa descent, Kimiora has worked for Ngāti Koata Trust for the past 7 years, currently as Pou Tūhono (Archives and Membership Coordinator). She has also been employed as Kāhui Hononga at the Tasman District Council since September 2023.
Kimiora is studying towards a Poutuarongo Puna Maumahara (Bachelor of Information Management) at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, aligning with her passion for the care and preservation of taonga or heritage. She is in her third year as the Ngāti Koata representative on the Te Tai Ao Komiti.
She commenced her role at TBHT in June 2023.
Jo Brady
Over the past decade, Jo has held strategic leadership roles in large, complex organisations across Aotearoa, including Otago Polytechnic and AgResearch. She is skilled in strategy, corporate governance, marketing, communications, capital and change programmes and is politically, culturally and commercially astute. Jo is a passionate community contributor and is a Fellow of the Philanthropy profession (F.Edplus) and a Trustee of the National Sports Museum Trust of New Zealand. Her whakapapa includes Ngāi Tahu.
Commenced TBHT May 2022.
Darren Mark
Darren is a Fellow Chartered Accountant with Findex in Nelson and Richmond. He is also a Chartered Director and member of The Institute of Directors of New Zealand. He carries out work on a number of Boards locally both in the business and not for profit sectors. He provides strategic, business, risk and governance advice to his clients alongside accounting and taxation. He undertakes business valuation work on an ongoing basis.
Darren has been a Trustee of TBHT since November 2015 and is chair of the Museum’s Audit & Risk Committee.
Derek Shaw
Derek has a range of governance experiences, including thirty years on the Nelson City Council, Nelson Marlborough Regional Council, and the Nelson Catchment and Regional Water Board. He chaired the Trust’s predecessor, the Nelson Provincial Museum Committee, for six years (1992-1998). Derek has been involved in numerous local and national community organisations, including founding the Nelson Environment Centre (1976-present) and serving as chairperson for forty years. He was a founding trustee of the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary Trust (2004-2019). With twenty years of involvement in various sports organisations, he is currently the chairperson of the Top of the South Athletics Charitable Trust and a board member of NZ Masters Athletics. Through his part-time publishing business, Nikau Press, he has published over thirty local histories and guidebooks. Derek holds a B.Sc (Hons) and a Diploma of Teaching. In June 2023, he was appointed to The New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for his services to local government, conservation, and athletics.
Commenced TBHT November 2015.
Andrew Wilson
Andrew been involved in governance and nationwide management of community organisations over the past 27 years and are now semi-retired and living in Nelson, while continuing to provide advisory services to community housing providers. He has a background as a structural and civil Consulting Engineer and his subsequent senior management roles have included oversight of the development of all New Zealand Standards as well as establishment and management of Accessible Properties New Zealand Ltd, which has become the motu’s largest non-government community housing provider. Andrew is a Trustee and Chair of the Nelson Tasman Housing Trust and a past Council member and Chair of Community Housing Aotearoa Inc.
He commenced his role at TBHT in May 2024.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee is a sub-committee of the Trust Board. Its objectives are to undertake the Trustee governance responsibilities to exercise due care skill and diligence in relation to financial management and reporting, internal controls, compliance, and risk management.
The Subcommittee consists of TBHT Board members Stephen Broad-Paul and Darren Mark.
The Audit and Risk Committee meets at least three times per year.
Project Control Group
The Project Control Group (PCG) was established in 2020 to oversee the delivery of a major capital works project to safely and appropriately house the Nelson Tasman regional heritage collection.
The PCG consists of TBHT Board member Derek Shaw together with external advisors Brendon Silcock, John Hambleton, and Ian McLennan, who bring a wealth of experience in large-scale community builds to the project.
The PCG meets monthly.
Fundraising Subcommittee
The Fundraising Subcommittee was established to guide and oversee the plan to achieve the fundraising goals for the ARC project.
The Subcommittee is chaired by TBHT Board member Emma Thompson, and consists of TBHT Board members Stephen Broad-Paul and Jo Brady, with Chief Executive Lucinda Blackley-Jimson and Project Manager Belinda Wheatley.
The Subcommittee meets monthly.
Life Associates
Robin Whalley
Business Consultant; Professional Trustee; Company Director; Past Chairman Nelson/ Marlborough branch of New Zealand Society of Accountants; Chartered Secretary. Foundation Trustee of Tasman Bays Heritage Trust served for eight years 2000-2008. Chairman 2007-08.
Dr Mike Johnston
A geologist, researcher, historian and author of four regional histories and over 50 scientific papers. Life member and former president of Nelson Historical Society and is Convener of the Geological Society of New Zealand's Historical Studies Group. Served as a Trustee of Nelson Provincial Museum for thirty years. Foundation Trustee 2000-2009.
Patricia O'Shea (1940-2014)
It is with sadness and deep respect that Patsy's death in October 2014 is noted for this record. The turnout of family, friends and former Trust Board colleagues was a fitting tribute. BA (Canterbury) history and sociology. historian, author and researcher. Former local body representative Motueka Borough Council and Tasman District Council (18 years in total). Long-term member Motueka and Districts Museum Trust. A member of the Motueka Arts Council and New Zealand Society of Genealogists. Inaugural Chairperson of Tasman Bays Heritage Trust 2000 - 2007.