Through The Lens presents the work of a trio of highly-acclaimed local photographers, known as the ‘Toru Collective’ – Braden Fastier, Tatsiana Chypsanava and Andy MacDonald, each with a unique view of the Nelson Tasman region.
Read MoreA new art installation at the Nelson Provincial Museum presents a puzzling new angle on what many regard as one of the most damaging decisions ever made for New Zealand’s native flora and fauna.
Read MoreA portrait of early Nelson businessman and landowner Edward Green, painted by the world-renowned artist Gottfried Lindauer, has been donated to the Nelson Provincial Museum.
Read MoreRugby 150 Years On – an exhibition originally launched online as a result of New Zealand’s nationwide lockdown – is now on display at the Nelson Provincial Museum.
Read More“Monday, June 17th 1929, began as a typical Murchison winter’s morning, very still and calm, cold and foggy.” However, at 10.17am everything changed. Find out more about the 1929 Murchison earthquake through our online exhibition.
Read MoreThe Nelson Provincial Museum has launched its first online exhibition, Rugby 150 Years On, in response to access restrictions to the Museum during COVID-19 Alert Levels.
Read MoreThe Nelson Provincial Museum and Nelson Public Libraries are encouraging people from the Nelson Tasman region to record their experiences as they move through the COVID-19 Alert Levels.
Read MoreWhen Bryan and Mairéad Calder first pledged their commitment to each other in Lough Wildlife Sanctuary in Ireland, they never imagined they’d be doing it all again, 19 years later, beneath a giant, inflatable Moon.
Read MoreAn exhibition of more than 200 pounamu greenstone treasures is coming to Nelson Provincial Museum next month.
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