$300k boost for new museum facility

The Nelson Provincial Museum’s long-awaited Archive, Research, and Collection (ARC) facility project to replace the dilapidated Isel Research Facility has been boosted by $300k from the Lottery Environment and Heritage Fund.

The current facility in Stoke is at the end of its useful life and not suitable to safely store the collection or provide decent working conditions for staff. The new facility will ensure the region’s collection is cared for appropriately and is easily accessible.

The facility will provide climate-controlled storage for the Nelson Tasman Regional Heritage Collection, a treasured community asset valued at $20 million, and will have a public research space, viewing area, and conservation lab.

The trust has applied for other public funds, and fundraising events will be held in 2024 for the community to get involved in before the build on Church St is due to start.

This article was originally published in NelsonApp on Friday 17th November 2023. To view the story - click here.


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