Whakapā mai

Contact Us


Contact form

We love to hear from our manuhiri (visitors). Use this form to ask us a question or make a booking.

We will only ever use your personal information to process your particular enquiry and will always respect your privacy. If you choose to sign up to our newsletter, your email address will be stored and used for this sole purpose only and not passed on to third parties. Please note that by submitting your information your agree to these terms.

Get in touch

Waea | Phone

+64 3 548 9588

Īmēra | Email


Pōhi | Postal Address

The Nelson Provincial Museum
Pupuri Taonga o Te Tai Ao
PO Box 853
Nelson 7040
New Zealand

Rangahau | For Researchers

Please visit our Research Facility section.

Mā te pouako | For Educators

Please visit our Education section.

Museum location

The Nelson Provincial Museum Pupuri Taonga o Te Tai Ao
270 Trafalgar Street
Nelson 7010
New Zealand


Pae pāpāho pāpori
Social Media

Keep up-to-date by following us on our social media channels

He pānui | News

You can sign up to the Museum Newsletter to keep updated with what is happening at Nelson Provincial Museum Pupuri Taonga o Te Tai Ao.

Click here to sign up.