VE Day in Nelson
Victory in Europe (VE) Day, Nelson. 1945. Nelson Provincial Museum, Kingsford Collection: 160557
On 7 May 1945, Germany’s formal surrender ended the Second World War in Europe. Because the war in the Pacific was still raging, Victory in Europe, or “VE Day” was announced. In New Zealand huge headlines in the morning papers announced Germany’s surrender. Although people were excited and the mood was celebratory, acting Prime Minister Walter Nash insisted that celebrations must wait until after Winston Churchill had officially announced peace. Nash told the country by radio that people should all go to work and that VE Day would be celebrated on the 9th of May.
Both central and local authorities were nervous about things getting out of control, but most New Zealanders accepted the edict. Churchill’s announcement reached New Zealand at 1am on May 9. In Nelson, a structured, solemn official celebration was held, with thousands gathering on the steps of Pikimai and along Trafalgar Street.
It is sobering to remember that only 31 years passed between the beginning of the First World War and the end of the Second World War.