The Museum at Alert Level 2


The Nelson and Tasman regions are now operating under Alert Level 2. 

The Museum is currently open but we need to operate slightly differently and in accordance with Government guidelines.  We are re-introducing our previous Alert Level 2 procedure, so here’s what to expect when you visit us.

  • We are legally required to keep contract tracing records for our visitors. You will need to log your visit with us either via the CHECKIN-19 App and QR code system or manually at the reception desk. These records will be kept confidential. Visitors who do not record their details will not be able to visit the Museum.

  • By now you will know the drill, but please practice good hygiene and stay home if you are feeling unwell. Sneeze or cough into your elbow and wash your hands regularly. Use of hand sanitiser is encouraged and will be available throughout the Museum.

  • We will not be accepting cash payments during Alert Level 2, but still have eftpos available. 

  • The Museum is required to restrict access to no more than 100 visitors at a time and bubbles of no more than ten people.

  • We ask that visitors practice safe social distancing by keeping two metres apart from other visitors and bubbles. 

  • We will also be bringing back our extra cleaning procedures.

If you have any questions about visiting the Museum at Alert Level 2 you can contact our team during work hours on 03 548 9588 or

If you would like more information about New Zealand’s current Alert Levels you can find them at


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