Digital Learning Kete

Nau te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive.
— Māori whakatauki (proverb)

Kete are traditional carrying baskets woven from plant materials

Our Digital Learning Kete is full of interactive digital learning resources and activities, for any ākonga (learner), kaiakō (teacher) and / or whānau (family) to explore.

Please continue to check back to find more additions to this ever evolving kete.

TREASURED: What is Precious?

Pre and Post activities for teachers, classes or students who visit
the Morimoritia Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho | Treasured: Objects of Mana and Significance Exhibition:

Kindly provided by National Library of New Zealand

AUTOMATA: Curious Contraptions

All Levels

This kete includes useful links for teachers and learners, to further understand and create automata.

Our Moon: Homepage

All Levels

We have put together several kete of materials related to the exhibition for use in the classroom or at home. You can explore the different areas in the dropdown menu in the navigation at the top of this page or jump right in using the quick links.

TE MARAMA: Te Ao Māori

All Levels

This kete contains knowledge grounded in Te Ao Māori and how to live by the rhythm of Te Marama - The Moon.

Our Moon: Pūrākau & Stories

All Levels

In this kete you can explore stories about the Moon through various cultural lenses, beginning with Māori.

Our Moon: Lunar Science

Tau 4-8, Years 4-8

This kete is packed with material around maths, physics, and lunar science.

Our Moon: Fun Facts

Tau 4-8, Years 4-8

This kete contains surprising facts related to the Moon and its observation through telescopes.

Te Moana: The Ocean

This kete includes many aspects of life in the moana (ocean).

“Kupe and the Wheke”

As told by the tamariki of Whānau Harakeke (Year 4-6),  Ngā Mana Kākano o Wairepo, Victory Primary School, Nelson

If you have further questions or would like to make a booking enquiry please and get in touch.


Make a Booking

call 03 548 9588,

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Discovering Whakatū I Ngā hikoi / Walks