Intermediate and College Programmes
“Titiro whakamuri kia anga whakamua”
We offer a range of education experiences tailored to the needs of intermediate and secondary students which includes walks, field work across the region, and Museum visits.
Please note, many of our other programmes are also appropriate for Year 7-8.
Bones of Our Land
FUN FACT - Te Tauihu has a greater variety of rock types than any other land district in Aotearoa!
“Bones of Our Land” is a hands-on experience! (1.5 hours in Museum)
Ākonga (students) will:
work in small groups, with Pakeke-Awhi (Adult helpers), moving through a variety of activity stations to investigate the significant and unique aspects of this region’s geological features.
collect and use evidence from landforms, rocks, fossils, information technology and Museum displays to describe the geological history of Te Tau Ihu.
listen to pūrākau and histories of local landforms; eg:- The Boulder Bank, Onetahua / Farewell Spit and learn their importance to local Māori.
explore touchable taonga, including Māori tools made with pakohe.
This programme is supported by a Museum Educator.
Integrated learning with Science, Geology, Te Ao Māori, Aotearoa NZ Histories, Mathematics and Technology
What's happening at Tāhunanui Beach?
Tāhunanui Beach is barely 100 years old.
This programme involves a field trip to Tāhunanui beach with a Museum Educator.
Ākonga are provided with photographs and booklets to help them interpret the changes that have taken place and the dynamic nature of a beach.
Investigate the Coast Care Code and steps that the Nelson City Council have taken to protect the sand dunes and the coastal road.
Identify important coastal plants and learn about their significance to Māori.
Integrated learning with Social Sciences, Science, Te Ao Māori, Technology, Enviro Science and Aotearoa NZ Histories.
Coastal Processes in Southern Tasman Bay
This programme involves fieldwork at two sites on two days:
The Boulder Bank (full day) and
Tāhunanui Beach (half day).
Investigate the histories of the Boulder Bank, the origin of the Boulder Bank rocks, and the coastal processes involved in these significant landforms.
This experience is best for senior high school students.
The programme contributes to Year 13 Geography
NCEA AS 90701 3.1 Analyse a geographic environment focusing on the interacting Natural Processes NCEA AS 90705 3.5 Carry out geographic research with consultation.
Make a booking
call 03 548 9588,
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