Pūoro o te Ao – Instruments of the World  / Y1-6

The inspiration for this experience has evolved from the works of the late Hirini Melbourne and Richard Nunns.

 This experience is fully interactive!

 This can be an outreach programme, held in classrooms, school halls or libraries, or held in the Lower Gallery of the NP Museum. (A large screen / tv is required).

 The Educator brings a wide variety of musical instruments from indigenous cultures to play, discuss and share.

 The musical whānau of Papatuanuku, Hine Pu te Hue, Hine Raukatauri, Tāwhirimātea and Tāngaroa are all explained and demonstrated through the playing of the instruments.

 Audio-visual clips and stories are also woven into the delivery of the experience, as well as sound clips from Richard Nunns and Hirini Melbourne.

 Ākonga have the opportunity to touch almost all instruments and to play many.

They are able to play a song together at the conclusion of the experience.

 Highlighted Tāonga Puoro Māori are the Porotiti, Putātara, Poi, Kōauau, Hue, Purerehua.

 Links with: The Arts, Te Reo Māori, Technology


Make a Booking

call: 03 548 9588
email: education@museumnp.org.nz

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All TE AO MĀORI programmes


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