Mystery Box / Y3-6
An interactive, hands-on, inquiry experience!
This is all about critical thinking, communication, listening to others, sharing ideas, observational skills and making connections.
This is usually run as an outreach programme, in classes. It can be run in the museum.
The Museum Educator brings 2 x large suitcases of touchable taonga from the museum.
Ākonga identify items they a) know, b) don't know c) are curious about.
This prior knowledge is shared.
Ākonga select a taonga to investigate. They work through a set of interactive questions, and prepare to feedback to the group.
Lots of discussion, connections, local history, stories about the items are shared.
Links with: Aotearoa NZ Histories, English (oral language), technology.
Make a Booking
call: 03 548 9588
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