The Nelson Tenths / Native Tenths Agreement /Y7-10)

The NZ Company’s Impact on Te Tauihu 

In London during the early 1840's , the New Zealand Company (NZC) planned for the settlement of a town called Nelson. NZC intended to purchase some 200,000 acres of land from Māori, which it would divide into one thousand lots and sell to intending settlers. Due to it's superior harbour, the site which Nelson City now occupies was chosen.

History shows that subsequent deal and actions of the NZ Company, severely disadvantaged Māori and resulted in huge amounts of land lost for Māori.

 This experience takes students through a reenactment of the kōrero between NZ Company representatives and Tangata / Mana Whenua of Te Tauihu.

Students explore critical thinking skills and emotional responses throughout the course of the retelling.

Students are actively involved with story-prompts and questions, designed to divulge the discrepances in this agreement.

Students explore the artifacts and displays in the museum including the Nelson Tenths survey map, the large model of the settler ship, the "Fifeshire" and a painting of Nelson Harbour in 1841.

Following the lively and emotive retelling, the students then move to the top of Trafalgar St, directly outside the museum.

Here they use black and white photos that show buildings and the cathedral as they were in the past and they use observational drawing skills to sketch the buildings in comparison to the present time.

Links:- Aotearoa NZ Histories, Critical Thinking Skills


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