Local Pūrākau: Interactive Story-telling
Using traditional story-telling skills, the Museum Educator brings to life local pūrākau, stories and histories.
Some of these pūrākau may include:
*Mātua Hautere and Kaikaiāwaro
*Rākaihautū and his magical Kō (The story of Rotoiti)
*Te Wheke o Muturangi - The story of Kupe the navigator
*Te Taero o Kereopa:- The story of the Boulder Bank
*Papatūānuku and Ranginui (The Māori Creation Story)
*Rongo-mā-Tane and the Rongo found at Mātangi -Āwhio
*The mystery waka found on Onetāhua (Farewell Spit)
*Māui and Tunaroa (The invention of the Hīnaki – eel-trap)
*Bravery in the Storm:- The Rescue of the Delaware
*Te Pakekura o Ngā Manu - The Battle of the Birds
*Ngārararuahau:- The Taniwhā of Mohua (Golden Bay)
Each retelling is complimented by a hands-on, interactive craft activity eg:- making a paper waka and dolphin, or learning tying reef knots.
Often the ākonga complete (in small groups or pairs) a Taonga Hunt in the museum, with a guided booklet.
Links with:- Aotearoa NZ Histories, Te Reo Māori, The Arts
Make a Booking
call: 03 548 9588
email: education@museumnp.org.nz
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