Ngā Iwi o Te Tau Ihu / Tau 3 – 10
Enjoy a journey through time in Te Ao Māori!
This bilingual experience focuses on the local Iwi of TeTauihu.
Ākonga (students) will:
Use their imagination and the story-telling prowess of the Museum Educator to navigate through time - out of Te Kore, Te Pō and into Te Ao (The light).
Learn about Ranginui and Papatūānuku, Maui and the Great Fish, Onetahua (Farewell Spit) and the ancient prow of a waka.
Sing a waiata that introduces all the local iwi of this area and the waka on which they migrated to Te Tauihu.
Identify, hold and kōrero about “touchable taonga.”
Explore the lower gallery’s Iwi space
Find and view iwi taonga (treasures)
Learn about the waves of migration
Listen to pūrākau (local stories)
Be encouraged to learn and share their own mihi / pepeha.
This programme is enhanced for senior classes.
Integrated links with Te Ao me Te Reo Māori, The Arts, Aotearoa NZ Histories.
Make a Booking
call: 03 548 9588
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